ADAM Project Vietnam: CIRAD advisory mission to review the project and to advice on the following-up strategy
Wednesday, 08/07/2015, 14:55 GMT+7

ADAM Project Vietnam: CIRAD advisory mission to review the project and to advice on the following-up strategy
The ADAM project “Support to extension of agro-ecology approach for improving cropping systems efficiency and durability in Northwestern mountainous areas of Vietnam” comes to its end. To help NOMAFSI develop up-scaling strategy an advisory mission was honorably delivered by Dr. Philippe Girald, the CIRAD Southeast Asia Regional Director of and Dr. Frank Enjalric, the CANSEA Coordinator. The mission included field trip to the project’s research and farm-pilot sites in the three target provinces: Son La, Yen Bai and Phu Tho. At each site discussions were organized for farmers, local extension officers, local DARD representatives and project researchers to share their thoughts, observations, expectations and needs. Participants to the field trip included also Ms. Oriane Cornille, AFD Project officer - Agriculture Unit, Dr. Luu Ngoc Quyen, NOMAFSI Vice Director General and members of the NOMAFSI ADAM project’s team. Although advisory report is yet to be completed, at the debriefing meeting following the field trip NOMAFSI obtained valuable advices from CIRAD experts on future research and up-scaling of CA practice
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